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A typical case of L.O.D.


POS:  38'53S  57'52W 55nm south of Mar del Plata
CRS:  220'
SPD:  6.2kts
WND:  SE 4bft
SEA:  Smooth
SWL:  NE very low

A small world this morning.
Visibility perhaps 5 cables or less.
coffeetime the sun came out and the breeze disappeared.
Sarah mentioned 
a typical case of L.O.D*.

Floating around till just after lunch.
even managed to sail the same mile twice in 2h 18min.
Now easterly again and it is supposed to stay east for some time. 
Everyone looking forward to anchor or dock in the bay behind Peninsula de Valdez.
Another 360 mile till we see it from the east.

Rgds, Arian

*lunch on deck

Geschreven door:
Arian Poortman | Captain

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