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The last landing

Hello all,

POS:  62*51,5 S 066*06,3 W
COG:  320
SOG:  6.8
WND:  SW 5 bft

Yesterday this time we just left Neko Harbour. The last landing of this trip. The morning we spend at Port Lockroy with a visit to the base. I did not find time to write...because there was a lot of seastowing to do. On our way out we saw the last icebergs and humpback whales.

At around 6 in the morning the first swell was detectable. We were under engine with light winds. Now we set sail a couple of hours ago and are making way in the right direction with nice speed. The engines are off.

With still some daylight in the middle of the night and the moon shining it is a very pleasant night. Let's see what the morning brings.

Groetjes, Janke

Photo by Richard Simko

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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