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A different day, a different tack

Hi all,

A different day, a different tack. If you would have asked me before this trip, tacking in the middle of the southern ocean wouldn't havebeen one of my first guesses. But today we did :-) The sea-state was light with not much swell. We quickly did a briefing, everybody got a station and then we went. It worked perfectly. And...additionally it was on the right moment, because the wind kept shifting. Before it was ESE but now it is already a nice SSE and still veering. Everybody on deck enjoyed the manoeuvring. Tonight at the 20 o'clocky I'll do a morethorough explanation of what we did. Further on it was a bit of a grey and wet day, but the nice sailing kept the spirit high.

Groetjes, Janke

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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