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This Morning

Door: Abigail Smyth

‘Good morning! We have sort of arrived in New Zealand, it’s a pancakes and fruit kind of morning, are you awake?’ When Dante came in to wake our cabin up, he set the tone for the day. ...

september 2024

Our progression south

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day, Our progression south is clearly noticeable in temperatures: they have  gone down, the clothes people wear: they cover more. The time the sun  takes to go below the horizon: It is longer. And so a few...

A glorious day

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day, This was a glorious day. The wind has found us, something just below 20  knots, from the north. Earlier we were making 8 knots occasionally, now  6-6,5. So still best well good. In the morning, at...

augustus 2024


Door: Hans de Lind

Good day, After motoring through last night, my watch today started with preparing  for setting sails. That kept the voyage crew and the permanent crew busy until coffee time.  After that the sails came up....

Ambrym Island

Door: Abigail Smyth

It was an early start for me, Nadia, coming into cabin 9 announ cing it was time for a trawl. We hadn’t had much opportunity for plastic fishing in the preceding days and, with land in sight , we would...

augustus 2024

Water, Air, and Earth

Door: Abigail Smyth

Our final day in Vanuatu found us anchored off the island of Tanna. While customs and immigration were due to clear us out in the afternoon, the voyage crew had other plans. For months, the office had been researching...

Raining dugongs and turtles

Door: Nina Jolink

Raining dugongs and turtles , all day. Now we know why Vanuatu is so lush green. We awoke at the sight of our first landing. Champagne beach! But as soon as we brought our first zodiac ashore, we were met with Champagne...

augustus 2024

La ho!

Door: Nina Jolink

La ho! Vanuatu is in sight. As we approached the outer islands, the winds dropped and it was time for our engines to take over, guiding us deeper into Vanuatu.   The air was thick of excitement, what wonders would...

Days under sail

Door: Nina Jolink

Up goes the anchor and out we go to sea. Here we come Vanuatu!  The past few days have been a mix of big swells, a fast paced Europa, hitting speeds up to 10 knots and the ever present charm of seasickness....

augustus 2024

I did not see that coming

Door: Hans de Lind

Good day Today, the winds have shifted from SE to E. We have wore to the SB tack,  and are now on a course that will put us between the islands of Ambrym  and Pentecost. The voyage crew has a bet in which they...