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A little rolley

Hi all,

At the present moment we practise being on a ship without wind in a little rolley seastate. There was wind all of yesterday and we sailed a nice amount of miles during that time. Later today the wind will turn to the North en slowly increase again. Until that time the bosuns take the opportunity to get some work out of the way and do some adjustments in the rigging. The voyage crew is assisting on every level on the ship. That works out very well. We just had a lecture on the early exploration from the Europeans of the Pacific. Also very interesting I heard. So after being out at sea for almost a week now everybody finds their way around the ship. The galley is making delicious food and being the happy hart of the ship. And...Orla's birthday was celebrated twice :-) with cake. But she could stay her own age.

Groetjes, Janke

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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