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A nice downwind sailing day

Hi all,

A nice downwind sailing day it was. Coming onto watch at 4 with the blue watch was a celebration because Lael has her birthday today. There happened a lot of singing in those early morning hours.

During the night the wind picked up and we made good speed into a 100 degrees. Beginning of the afternoon we did a person overboard drill once more. This time with the dummy thrown straight away into the water while sailing with winds between 18 and 25 knots. The sails disappeared fast, engines were started, the swimmers donned their suits, we turned around the ship and 12 minutes later the dummy was back on board. A very good result.

Shortly after the drill the wind started to veer and we had to brace, set some sails, brace a bit more, set some more sails and now were almost under full sails sailing close hauled to the East. A day with lots of activity, the time really flew by.

Now I'm looking forward to a warm plate of lasagne and then some more singing and a beautiful tasty birthday cake.

Groetjes, Janke

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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