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A taste of the tradewinds

Good day,

BT:     2200 UTC-10
POS:    1706'S 170°31'W
SOG:    8,7 kn
COG:    260°

Now, we are sailing! For a couple of days, we get a taste of the tradewinds, as tradewinds are described in schoolbooks.

True wind of around 20 knots, and fairly barrelling down the seaways. Smoke and oakum, Patrick O'Brien would have written.

In the daytime, we saw fishes swimming close by, probably tunas. We put out the fishing line, but to no avail. It was the general
consensus that we were going too fast for trawling.

All this velocity had a great big positive effect on the ships mood, almost as much as the Sauerkraut that Gjalt and Sasha made.

That is not the only effect!

Anyway, we are to pass the date line tomorrow, and then we will be ahead of yous, there in Europe.



📷 Amelie Marchand

Geschreven door:
Hans de Lind | Captain

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