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A windy forecast

Good day

BT:     2200 UTC-10
POS:    18°48'S 177°27'W
SOG:    9.3 kn
COG:    287°

So, there was a bit of wind... Mostly along the lines of the Windy forecast, albeit a few hours delayed. 

On the brighter side of this weather is the speed: It seems that we might even make it to Suvasava as early as Tuesday. I think that is a good thing: we can make the most of our time in Fiji, and will have more time to explore more places. Hurrying from place to place is against the concept of "Island Time"

We made a pool with the VC on two questions: will we run 200 NM from midnight to midnight, and: will we arrive in Savusavu before noon LT on Tuesday? The price that is to be won is sponsored by an international distillery of dubious reputation.

So that is that about that, for dinner we had chili con, of sin, carne, depending on your dietary status, and for desert boterkoek met vla en slagroom. Hulde aan de kombuis!


Geschreven door:
Hans de Lind | Captain

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