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All good on board

Hello all,

POS:    11* 03.6 S 138* 41.2 W         
SOG:    5.2
COG:    350
DTG:    78 NM to Hiva Oa: Marquesas
BT:      UTC -8
Water temp: 28.8 Celcius

Flying fish. Fire hose showers. A tear in the t'gallant stunsail that is being repaired at the main deck. Little squalls all day. Luke warm soup (to make all happy). More wind this evening. Close-hauled sailing all day. Island excitement arising. Reshuffle of victims, weapons, and places in the murder game with the remaining players. Brian the bosun got murdered in the wheelhouse. Missing nautical almanac found back after being used as a murder weapon. Brownie for dessert. Thick air that makes us heal more with 20 knots of wind than usual.

All good on board.

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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