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Apple pie sessions

Hi all,

Position: 57-51S 047-27W Scotia Sea
COG: 055T
SOG: 8.0KN

ETA Elsehul (South Georgia) 29 MAR 2023 AM

Yesterday we sailed mostly full and by under an overcast sky. The wind hovered around 5 Bft and the sea and swell have flattened out, which made for a smooth ride. Almost like on rails.

In the afternoon we had a visit from hourglass dolphins and every now and then we see Humpback or Fin whales blow.

With the extremely high number of birthdays on this trip, we already had the fourth apple pie session after dinner. This time to celebrate Judiths birthday. Did she have to bake it herself? Eight more birthdays to go, so I hope we don't run out of apples.

Next day early morning the drizzle kicked in with the approach of a wave in the isobars. This wave should give us a more westerly wind and enable us to sail up to the latitude of South Georgia. 400 miles to go.

Geschreven door:
Eric Kesteloo | Captain



Twelve birthdays?! An auspicious sign for a successful voyage :-)

SUZANNE  |  27-03-2023 19:41 uur

Equinox, St. Patrick's day, 12 birthdays and Easter! What a great tour ;) Bon Voyage!

Andrea  |  27-03-2023 13:36 uur

Thank you Eric. Mooi.

margriet  |  27-03-2023 11:33 uur

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