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Back to the plan

Hi all,

Let's get back to the plan of yesterday. To sail on the North side of that small low. That looked quite good.... until 4:55 this morning. When I got on watch at 4 we were sailing fast easterly with about 28 knots of wind. At 4:55 it was almost as if we hit the nonwind wall. All of a sudden there was none left, the wind started turning 360 degrees with light airs and we even went backward for a while. We managed to turn the ship onto a Northern heading, but because of the current and no speed we still went to the West. Luckily slowly. In the following two watches, nothing much changed. Only 15 in the afternoon the wind came sparsely back from the South and we're making way to the east again. Very slow, but still.

The wind shift is hopefully the first sign of the promised predicted Westerly wind. Anyway, the whole Europa crew is very patient when it comes to waiting for wind I find out by now. That is awesome!

Further life on board goes as it goes. All people still learning loads of stuff in different areas. The voyage crew is helping out the permanent crew. The permanent crew is learning different things from the voyage crew. Games are invented, and talks are held and throughout the 24 the whole being on board is enjoyed.

Groetjes, Janke

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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