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More wind on the way

POS:    17°26'S 156°00'W
SOG:    3.7 kn
COG:    245°
BT:     2100 UTC-10

Good day,

Well, the wind is not quite what could be wished, and now, for already a good few hours, the speed is under the "Speed that we need to make to arrive in time"

That need not worry us, more wind should be on the way and then there are the caterpillars...But for the moment, we have stunsails and skysails, and we are putting a brave face on it,

The planning of our itinerary has the dateline behind Tonga, but in reality, we will lose our day before we arrive there. If we make the transit exactly on the midnight of the 15th, and then go straight to the 17th, two lucky voyage crew will not have birthdays this year, thus staying young a little bit longer.

For lunch we had hamburgers, and for dinner, there was pasta Bolognese. Myself, Amelie and voyage crew Andrew played some tunes in the deckhouse for the 8 o'clocky. People clapped.

Best Regards


Geschreven door:
Hans de Lind | Captain

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