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Another morning in paradise! We heaved up anchor at 9 AM, setting sail for Denarau, a port completely different from Lautoka. Amidst the largest superyachts, our vessel from 1911 made quite the sight for everyone in port. 

That morning, we explored the port and shops of Denarau, had lunch on board and then a small group of voyage crew, a doctor and two guides gathered the courage to visit the thermal waters and mud pools of Sabeto. 

With the radio blasting at full volume, our happy and smiling driver took us in the minivan for a ride through the green fields and hills of Fiji. It was a refreshing change to trade the azure blue waters for a day in the green mountains, getting to see a bit more of Fiji. 

Once arrived, we were shown where to undress, change into our swimwear and start the mud process. About 5 buckets full of black thick mud awaited us. 

Giggling, we looked at each other, hesitating a moment before diving in. And so, it happened that our group of newfound friends and fellow voyage crew, began slathering handfuls of mud on our arms and legs, hoping it would do wonders for our hair, skin and more. We helped each other cover our backs and all the tiny spots we might have missed.

Completely covered from head to toe, we were kindly directed towards the stands selling traditional artisanal gifts and gadgets. I couldn’t help but wonder how amusing it must be for the merchants, watching these mud-covered visitors waddle around until the mud dried enough to enter the thermal pools. 

Into the pools we went, getting cleaner with each dip, enjoying the thermal warmth, while pointing out which parts of our bodies were still muddy. It was a surreal experience, to say the least. 

Rejuvenated, we returned to Denarau, just in time for beer and music. Violins and guitars filled the decks of Europa, all gently singing along. A happy bunch of musicians, in an overly fancy port, certainly made us the show of the evening, all in true EUROPA style.

Geschreven door:
Nina Jolink | General manager & science on board

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