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Night at anchor in the Beagle

Hello all,

POS:  55*58,3 S 066*18,8 W
COG:  160
SOG:  7.0 kts
WND:  W 6 - 9 bft
Water temp: 9 *C

The night at anchor in the Beagle was a good choice. At around 4 AM it was very very windy. The anchor held till the morning when it was departure time at 8. With the westerly wind we soon were sailing...for a bit...then the lee of Isla Nueva caught the wind and engines once more were needed to bring us out in the open water. Now it's been back and forth with the wind. N, NW, W, SW, squalls, 35 knots, 15 knots, over 30 again... Sails up, sails down, furling, unfurling, a super nice practice to start our trip with!

Everybody is trying to get used to the new movements of the ship. One a bit more successful than the other. Yellow buckets are well used :-)

Let's see what tomorrow will bring.

Groetjes, Janke

Photo by Richard Simko

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain



Thank you Janke.

margriet  |  03-01-2023 12:32 uur

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