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Pinrail chase

It's springtime! Of course autumn is beautiful too, but on board people celebrated the spring. The weather was accordingly. Not much wind, sunshine, no squalls. A beautiful day by itself. Of course I would have liked a bit more wind, but this conditions gave us the opportunity to go ahead with the pinrailchase. After announcing the possibility of holding it last night, all of a sudden the deck was filled with the watches studying their pins, lines and sails once more.

The teams gathered on the deck, Magnus lead the game together with his lovely assistant Nat and the fair (ahum) judge Cato. Gerhart was responsible for the visuals. Lots of laughing, pulling, messing about and of course serious testing of knowledge. The last exercise was a squall sail handling, which because of the weather even a few brave VC went for in swimming shorts.

White watch won, but red and blue were close....the crew team did well, but the handicaps put on them were pretty fierce. They became last.

In the morning we altered course to the East instead of South. With present wind and prediction we'll hope to sail just on the North side of a small low passing and keep some favourable winds. If not...we will have headwinds for a while. But things are looking quite good.

Groetjes, Janke

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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