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Eager to set sail

You never know what to expect when you come into port. Will we be surrounded by sailing boats, superyachts, containerships, army vessels or cruise ships? What is certain is that there is always much going on. Each vessel only has a few days to get ready to go back to the place where she belongs most and these days will be used to the maximum. Stores, bunkers, cleaning, last minute orders and repairs, crew having a few hours off and at some point, seeing new faces appear on the docks. 

Big smiles of finally seeing the ship after so many months of planning, curious faces looking at each other, seeing your newfound buddies for the upcoming months, eager legs to step on board to test their worthiness at sea. 

Eager we certainly all were, to get out of port, surrounded by containers. Out we go, into the ocean. A final wave to the cruise passengers next to us and to the marine officers having a proper workout on deck, off to new adventures. 

The most impressive change after leaving port was the stillness that came over the ship. No more beeps of forklifts, heavy fuels or loud music. A tranquil feel comes over us. 

All of a sudden, the only thing we hear is the gentle sway of the waves at the side of the ship, the whispers from the voyage crew who stare with disbelief at the most beautiful sunset  that bathes the foredeck in rays of orange and gold. Everyone is getting excited of what is to come. With the azure blue waters of the Pacific before us and our gentle giant Europa beneath our feet, we sail onward, ready to embrace the unknown.

Geschreven door:
Nina Jolink | General manager & Science on board

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