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The southeast trade winds

Good day.

Date:   14/07/2024
BT:      2030 UTC-10
POS:    17°38'S 159°33'W
SOG:    6.1 kn
COG:    281°

In this part of the ocean, where the southeast trade winds are rumored to reign supreme, we find that these rumours might not be completely inextricably linked to reality. At the moment we are three points free of a wind that has started from West, but now has gone to SSW, thanks be to whatever deity rules over this stretch of ocean. We are, therefore heading in almost the right direction.

Before the wind did this, it was from the NNW and then NW. It was sometimes weak and sometimes faint, and there were squalls but with only a little rain. Until, of course, there came one with heaps of rain and enough wind to warrant the dousing of several sails. The whole watch was soaked through and through, we went over 7 knots for a glorious moment, and then the rain stopped and the the wind with it.

Then there we floated. We went by engine for a couple of hours, even though the wind came back quite soon. It was just that it was from the wrong direction to bring us any closer to Vava'u.

So that was the day. It was brightened up to even more shine by meatballs with broccoli and baked potatoes, followed by brownies for dessert.

Geschreven door:
Hans de Lind | Captain

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