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The wind decreased

Hi all,

The wind did decrease. Unfortunately but true. During the night it was squally. Around the squalls the wind increased, decreased and moved around all 360 degrees. At a certain point within 5 minutes the wind turned 4 times the clock round. Even the fastest sail handler can't adjust a square rigger to that. Luckily the wind speed was only between 2 and 6 knots, so we did not really move at all.

During the wind shifts we heard a whale blow all of a sudden. It was still dark, but the whale showed up for at least a hour on and off. When it got a bit brighter it disappeared into the great wide ocean. We think it might have been a dwarf Minky whale.

In the afternoon the bird watchers were treated with lots of birds.

Further we're preparing for a pinrail chase when the seas calm down and tonight we'll move the clock forward one hour to UTC-10

Groetjes, Janke

Geschreven door:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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