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Zigzagging our way

Noon position 11.00 UTC:

19°11'S 001° 54W

Speed: 5 knots

COG 280°

We are getting nearer St Helena, still zigzagging our way, in front of the SE trades.

The wind has decreased a bit, so our speed has gone down as well. At the moment it seems will arrive at Thursday afternoon, just after closing time of the harbour office .... a night at anchor and then voyage crew ashore the next day, well rested and ready to take on the island

Today we thought of plastic fishing again, as the wind was slacked, but luckily the wind picked up again, so now we look to do that tomorrow.

Just now, some stunsl booms were hoisted up to the foremast: for the moment it looks like the wind after our sojourn will not be the glorious 25 knots it was before

In the deckhouse, a lectures were given on tourism and biology on st Helena. The voyage crew are learning how to furl the squares, the doctor is making lampekapjes and banjo-music is coming form the deck house


Geschreven door:
Hans | Captain

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